Sabado, Agosto 27, 2011

Sell of medical marijuana has been prohibited to private sellers in Michigan

Private shops cannot sell medical marijuana. The 2008 medical marijuana law, as well as the state's public health code, dose not allow people to sell pot to anyone. There are 200 - 300 business that will be affected by this decision. This public safety victory will help stop the proliferation of pot shops near to Michigan communities schools.

Detroit Renaissance Center
Creative Commons License photo credit: 123 Chroma Pixels


Biyernes, Agosto 26, 2011

The Facebook Group is Up and Running!

Hello everyone on the interweb! The new Trichom Facebook page is up now and if you are looking for cool bubble hash and bubble bags tips your better bee line yourself over there and like it.

We may even run some promotions on our new product that are coming for harvest this fall. It's hard to beleive that fall with be here soon and it will be trimming time again! I can't wait. Sticky-Icky ...

It's been great seeing all the feedback coming in and having great suggestion for our next version of bags. We have something special in the works right now that no-one else is making and is going to revolutionize your bubble hash bag experience. Keep an eye out will releasee the photos on Facebook first!


Note on the weather! Anyone on the Eastern seaboard (like myself) buckle down! Looks like hurricane Irene is really going give a whooping. The weather is super grey here, looks like I'm going to have to tie everything down in the yard again. There is really nothing like Hurricane season.

Eye of Hurricane Irene
Creative Commons License photo credit: Undertow851

Huwebes, Agosto 4, 2011

Interested In Some Bubblehash Tea?

Here is a good recipe to make Kief tea. With some really good bubble hash you can reduce the amount of hash needed.


cannabis tea

Irish Tea

Ireland is one of the world’s largest per capita tea consumers. The Irish like their tea strong and enjoy what we call Irish Breakfast Tea—a robust blend of black teas—all day long, typically served with lots of milk. Serves 4.

2 cups whole milk or half and half
2 grams kief or hash
3 cups strongly brewed Irish breakfast tea
Sugar to taste

Heat milk or half and half over medium low heat—do not boil! Stir in kief or hash until dissolved. Divide milk mixture between 4 large coffee mugs. Fill mugs with hot brewed tea. Sweeten to taste and serve.

-Courtesy of Culture Magazine

The pancakes are Yummy!
Creative Commons License photo credit: coconut wireless

Huwebes, Hulyo 21, 2011

Seattle is Going to Tax and Regulate Medical Marijuana

Creative Commons License photo credit: Cannabis Defense Coalition

The city of Seattle has decide to take the leap of the faith to embrace the medical marijuana industry. The new regulations are expected to be implemented swiftly.

It's great to see proper drug regulations embraced by the city of Seattle!


The city of Seattle plans to start taxing and licensing medical marijuana operations like any other business, in response to changes in state law that have left the industry in a legal morass.

The Seattle City Council unanimously passed rules Monday requiring that medical marijuana operations be licensed, obtain food-handling permits if they sell marijuana-infused cookies or other items, and follow all other regulations such as land use and historic preservation codes. The approach is the opposite of what several other local cities have done - imposing moratoriums on such operations.

"The upshot is they are here and we should regulate them," said Councilwoman Sally Clark.

A spokesman for Mayor Mike McGinn said he expects to sign the measure quickly.

Solstice Parade-55
Creative Commons License photo credit: stevevoght

Racists Cured of their Hate With Marijuana

Solar toke
Creative Commons License photo credit: JosephAdams

Interesting story, sounds like a life changing experience.


The girls say it changed their lives. They now enjoy painting things that pot smokers love painting (astrological themed images, but soon it will undoubtedly be the Grateful Dead dancing bears, or lines that swirl and swirl and swirl) and plan on going to college, where their medical marijuana cards and kindly dispositions will likely win them many friends. After college, they plan on continuing to advocate for marijuana legalization in all 50 states, so we can all just toke together in harmony and hold hands and sing and star at the fabric on the arm of this couch I'm sitting on. I never really looked at it, you know.

Give Me Weed
Creative Commons License photo credit: Ian Sane

Lunes, Hulyo 18, 2011

The Beginning of Medical Marijuana Law in New Mexico

In New Mexico, the process of having marijuana be legally served to severely ill patients has been long and tough. On July of 2007, the “the Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use” was officially signed to be a law. This Act was named after two women: Lynn Pierson and Erin Armstrong. Lynn was a 26-year old cancer patient back then in 1978. She advocated the medical use of marijuana before it was legislated by New Mexico. Erin was also a marijuana advocate who suffered with advanced thyroid cancer.

Right after the law became official, New Mexico became the 12th state to legalize medical marijuana. Governor Bill Richardson,supporter of the law, had been really courageous and outspoken despite all the controversies that could have risen while running for presidency. It was supposed to be on October 1, 2007 when the state’s Department of Health should already have an outline of the regulations and parameters for the patients and providers to qualify. Yet, it took them until January of 2009 for them finish it.

The process for providers has been disappointing, frustrating and slow. With more than 540 patients approved at that time, there was only one provider. A provider is only permitted to grow 95 cannabis plants at a time which bring the patients into a state of scarcity. They have to compete over the limited amount of medical marijuana or find an illegal supplier.

Article review by: bubble bags

The Biggest (300 Acres) Marijuana Plantation Ever In Mexico!

Check out the setup at this place! Over 300 acres of cover cannabis. This place must have stunk for miles. the military claims they could smell it because the tarp. The tarp wasn't suspicious either because many farmers use this to protect their crops from the sun. It is really a remarkable operation.

Hopefully our governments will realized that our current drug policy is only perpetuating this type of industry south of the border. Once Obama and the DEA decide to get on board with Proper Cannabis regulations hopefully all of this criminal nonsense will come to a grinding halt.

Daily Mail wrote:

Mexican soldiers found the largest marijuana plantation ever detected in Mexico, a huge field covering almost 300 acres (120 hectares), according to the Defence Department.
The plantation is four times larger than the previous record discovery by authorities at a ranch in northern Chihuahua state in 1984.