Huwebes, Hulyo 21, 2011

Seattle is Going to Tax and Regulate Medical Marijuana

Creative Commons License photo credit: Cannabis Defense Coalition

The city of Seattle has decide to take the leap of the faith to embrace the medical marijuana industry. The new regulations are expected to be implemented swiftly.

It's great to see proper drug regulations embraced by the city of Seattle!


The city of Seattle plans to start taxing and licensing medical marijuana operations like any other business, in response to changes in state law that have left the industry in a legal morass.

The Seattle City Council unanimously passed rules Monday requiring that medical marijuana operations be licensed, obtain food-handling permits if they sell marijuana-infused cookies or other items, and follow all other regulations such as land use and historic preservation codes. The approach is the opposite of what several other local cities have done - imposing moratoriums on such operations.

"The upshot is they are here and we should regulate them," said Councilwoman Sally Clark.

A spokesman for Mayor Mike McGinn said he expects to sign the measure quickly.

Solstice Parade-55
Creative Commons License photo credit: stevevoght

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