Martes, Marso 29, 2011

Arizona’s Marijuana Legalization Approved


In Arizona, voters recently passed Proposition 203, which contains the legalization of medical marijuana usage. This new law’s just made Arizona the 15th state to allow the use of marijuana as a legal treatment for minor ailments or chronic diseases.

The pro-marijuana voters had a small margin by a few thousand counts.  Proposition 203 states that critical patients such as those suffering with cancer, Hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS, who need marijuana treatments, can only purchase two and half ounces of marijuana per two weeks. They also have the option to grow marijuana on their own, given that they have a proper recommendation from their doctor and they register with Arizona Department of Health Services.

Arizona Medical Marijuana Policy Project’s campaign manager, Andrew Myers said, "now begins the very hard work of implementing this program in the way it was envisioned, with very high standards. We really believe that we have an opportunity to set an example to the rest of the country on what a good medical marijuana program looks like.

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Biyernes, Marso 25, 2011

Marijuana Outshines Viagra


In Washington, the growing of medical marijuana is on the verge of blocking the market for Viagra. This is a sophisticated analysis by the industry. The study ignored the second rate businesses who serve the industry such as the law firms, public affairs companies, insurance companies and focused on the transactions.

The author of this study, Ted Rose, said in a conference call with the reporters that at the end of 2011, “the total sales of medical marijuana will be $1.7 billion, just $200 million behind the sales for Viagra.” The marijuana industry has risen since Obama’s administration said that they will not raid pot shops as long as they abide to the state laws.

Seventy five percent of the trade is done in California, while the rest are mostly in Colorado, which indicates that there would be room for growth in next few years. This market will reach a total of $8.9 billion sales in five years.


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A Study Proving Marijuana Usage’s Effectiveness


The medical use of marijuana has been fought, argued and debated for many years.  Lawmakers, doctors, researchers and users claim marijuana’s effectiveness for medical treatments for pain.  A study from McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) and McGill University researchers found that marijuana can give relieve those suffering from chronic neuropathic pain.

The results of the study are published in the most recent issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

The lead author of the study, Dr. Mark Ware, who is a neuroscience researcher at the Research Institute of the MUHC, said that this was the first time that patients were permitted to smoke cannabis at their homes and have their responses monitored.

In the study, a low dose of inhaled marijuana, which contains approximately ten percent THC, was smoked in one inhalation and revealed a reduction of pain in patients suffering with neuropathic pain.

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Marijuana Driving Bill Opposed


There was a bill presented last Tuesday, March 22, stating tighter restrictions on people in Colorado who drive under the influence of marijuana.

The approval of the entire House of Representative did not come easy, as there were two bill sponsors who had little fight about it.

The marijuana bill, House Bill 1261, would create an amount limit of THC. THC is the active substance in marijuana and Bill 1262 proposed that drivers could contain a certain amount in their blood. Anyone who exceeds the limit of 5 nanograms per millimeter is assumed to be too high to drive; similar to those who have above 0.08 percent of blood-alcohol content are considered too drunk to drive.

The law enforcement officials support the bill and said it is specific to those existing laws which bans stoned driving. This bill revision proposal was opposed by many medical marijuana communities. They say that the maximum THC limit is too low for people with high THC tolerance.


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Marijuana Decriminalization Support Increases


Eight out of ten Americans support the legalization of marijuana and half of them are in favor of its decriminalization. The rates of those who are in favor of this drug are far higher than a decade ago.

As New Jersey prepares as their state becomes the 14th state to legalize medical marijuana, eighty one percent in the National ABC News Post Poll agree with the idea, compared to the sixty nine percent in 1997. Precisely, the restriction of access was the main complaint.

Fifty six percent said that if medical marijuana be legalized, the doctors should be allowed to prescribe the drug to anyone who needs medical marijuana treatment. New Jersey, who has more restricted rules on the drug, stated that marijuana should be only prescribed to those who are suffering with severe illnesses.

There have been new efforts for marijuana to be decriminalized. In some states, there have been votes and campaign signatures, which showed more people in favor on decriminalization of marijuana.

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Miyerkules, Marso 23, 2011

A Drug That Can Cure All

For years, marijuana usage has condemned and yet, for 4,000 years, marijuana has been widely used by people for leisure and medical purposes. Marijuana even topped the rankings under the category of medicines called panaceas, meaning cure-all. Some people use it to smoke, as a tea to drink or brownies and cookies to eat.

When comparing marijuana smoking to nicotine smoking, there is a higher death rate when using nicotine cigarettes yet; this is legal in all countries. This must make one question what the goal of the government is as the financial benefits of selling cigarettes, as the financial pay-off is huge. This would also be the case if the government legalized marijuana.  The tax collection in a year could be ten fold from the average collection now.

These are just some the basic uses of marijuana that already help many people that are suffering from a disease or illness:

  • Cancer – We all know that this is one of the deadliest kinds of sickness nowadays and it still has no definite cure. Accusations have been made that smoking marijuana causes lung cancer. This is simply and surely not true. It is the nicotine cigarette smoking that causes lung cancer and the American Association for Cancer Research found that marijuana can actually slow down the growth of a tumor in lungs, brain and breast.
  • Seizures – Marijuana can effectively treat seizures for it has “antispasmodic” qualities and it is a muscle relaxant. There are already some people who were suffering with seizures but since their use of marijuana, they are able to function better.
  • Migraines – Migraines are extremely painful and leave people in bed for hours and yet, they are something that can be cured immediately. A medical report in Canada showed that there were more than 300,000 cases of migraines treated ever since the use of marijuana in California is legalized.
  • Glaucoma – Using marijuana to treat glaucoma has historically been one of best cases for the usage of the drug. There has been no valid study that can disprove the magnificent ability of marijuana to cure this eye problem.


These illnesses and diseases are less severe with the use of marijuana and they are only the few we know so far. If more research could be done, we may find the answers to many more medical conditions. So, to those who are experiencing any of these illnesses, contact your friend’s dealer now.

A Drug That Can Cure All

For years, marijuana usage has condemned and yet, for 4,000 years, marijuana has been widely used by people for leisure and medical purposes. Marijuana even topped the rankings under the category of medicines called panaceas, meaning cure-all. Some people use it to smoke, as a tea to drink or brownies and cookies to eat.

When comparing marijuana smoking to nicotine smoking, there is a higher death rate when using nicotine cigarettes yet; this is legal in all countries. This must make one question what the goal of the government is as the financial benefits of selling cigarettes, as the financial pay-off is huge. This would also be the case if the government legalized marijuana.  The tax collection in a year could be ten fold from the average collection now.

These are just some the basic uses of marijuana that already help many people that are suffering from a disease or illness:

  • Cancer – We all know that this is one of the deadliest kinds of sickness nowadays and it still has no definite cure. Accusations have been made that smoking marijuana causes lung cancer. This is simply and surely not true. It is the nicotine cigarette smoking that causes lung cancer and the American Association for Cancer Research found that marijuana can actually slow down the growth of a tumor in lungs, brain and breast.
  • Seizures – Marijuana can effectively treat seizures for it has “antispasmodic” qualities and it is a muscle relaxant. There are already some people who were suffering with seizures but since their use of marijuana, they are able to function better.
  • Migraines – Migraines are extremely painful and leave people in bed for hours and yet, they are something that can be cured immediately. A medical report in Canada showed that there were more than 300,000 cases of migraines treated ever since the use of marijuana in California is legalized.
  • Glaucoma – Using marijuana to treat glaucoma has historically been one of best cases for the usage of the drug. There has been no valid study that can disprove the magnificent ability of marijuana to cure this eye problem.


These illnesses and diseases are less severe with the use of marijuana and they are only the few we know so far. If more research could be done, we may find the answers to many more medical conditions. So, to those who are experiencing any of these illnesses, contact your friend’s dealer now.

Marijuana Cola

An entrepreneur from California named Clay Butler has created a lineup of marijuana soft drinks. He claims they will be a certified hit once they will be available in the marijuana dispensaries in the state. State laws of California allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Butler observed that lots of medical marijuana dispensaries distribute marijuana products to their patients with prescriptions and that this is a “goldmine.”

After Butler developed a marijuana cola called “Canna Cola”, which did go well in the market, he now plans to unveil the complete lineup that includes “Doc Weed”, a Dr. Pepper-like drink, lemon-lime “Sour Diesel”, “Grape Ape”, and “Orange Kush”. A 12-ounce bottle that contains 25-65 milligrams of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, is expected to cost around $10- $15.

The making of marijuana beverages is not unknown to the public but no one has hit a home run quite yet. Butler would like to change that though and he wants to do this by creating new kinds of flavors, savvy branding and immense marketing.

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Marijuana Cola

An entrepreneur from California named Clay Butler has created a lineup of marijuana soft drinks. He claims they will be a certified hit once they will be available in the marijuana dispensaries in the state. State laws of California allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Butler observed that lots of medical marijuana dispensaries distribute marijuana products to their patients with prescriptions and that this is a “goldmine.”

After Butler developed a marijuana cola called “Canna Cola”, which did go well in the market, he now plans to unveil the complete lineup that includes “Doc Weed”, a Dr. Pepper-like drink, lemon-lime “Sour Diesel”, “Grape Ape”, and “Orange Kush”. A 12-ounce bottle that contains 25-65 milligrams of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, is expected to cost around $10- $15.

The making of marijuana beverages is not unknown to the public but no one has hit a home run quite yet. Butler would like to change that though and he wants to do this by creating new kinds of flavors, savvy branding and immense marketing.

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Lunes, Marso 21, 2011

How Can You Make Your Marijuana Usage Legal?

There is a controversy with the use of marijuana these days. There are some states, which permit legalization and decriminalization of this drug. But basically, this drug is legalized for medical purposes only. Marijuana has been found to be a good treatment for some illnesses such as nauseas and vomiting and chronic diseases such as HIV/AIDS, cancer and Hepatitis C.

How can you make your marijuana usage legal? All one needs to do is to apply to the Office of Cannabis Medical Access (OCMA) or Medical Marijuana Access Division (MMAD). It is very essential that you understand the processes and the forms needed when applying.


First, see your doctor and you explain to him why need to marijuana’s treatment and why marijuana is better than other drug options. If you can convince your doctor, they will give you the prescription and you can now take the next step.

The second step is to complete the forms. Your doctor should be assisting you on this step

The third step is to wait for the forms to be processed. It usually takes longer because of the big volume of applicants. Once it is complete, your application is done. You can now use marijuana legally.

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Miyerkules, Marso 16, 2011

Ways to Stop Smoking Marijuana & Find Healthier Alternatives

If you decide to stop smoking marijuana or if you decide to ask someone to stop smoking marijuana, it can be a difficult task.  Breaking a habit that you have been doing for a long time is difficult to achieve ad can effect other areas of your live. Breaking a habit is not something that you can just achieve in a day or even a week, as you need to find something else to occupy yourself during those moments of weakness. There are still processes that the quitter needs to undergo before he can successfully refrain from using the drug.

The most common reason why people quit using marijuana include family pressure, societal pressure or an inability to smoke when needed. Having the strong dedication to quit in smoking marijuana is a crucial thing and it requires the person to be psychologically strong to conquer the innate need to smoke. Below are some tips on how to quite smoking marijuana & choose a healthier alternative:

  • Stay away from an environment or peers who are smoking marijuana. Some healthier alternatives include using hash or eating food cooked with marijuana.
  • Walk your pet in your neighboring streets or engage in exercises. Doing this will keep your body fit and healthy & help you to avoid thinking about smoking.
  • Consult your doctor for proper checkup and tell yourself that you can do it. Do not lose hope. Take advice from family and friends who support you in your decision.

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Ways to Stop Smoking Marijuana & Find Healthier Alternatives

If you decide to stop smoking marijuana or if you decide to ask someone to stop smoking marijuana, it can be a difficult task.  Breaking a habit that you have been doing for a long time is difficult to achieve ad can effect other areas of your live. Breaking a habit is not something that you can just achieve in a day or even a week, as you need to find something else to occupy yourself during those moments of weakness. There are still processes that the quitter needs to undergo before he can successfully refrain from using the drug.

The most common reason why people quit using marijuana include family pressure, societal pressure or an inability to smoke when needed. Having the strong dedication to quit in smoking marijuana is a crucial thing and it requires the person to be psychologically strong to conquer the innate need to smoke. Below are some tips on how to quite smoking marijuana & choose a healthier alternative:

  • Stay away from an environment or peers who are smoking marijuana. Some healthier alternatives include using hash or eating food cooked with marijuana.
  • Walk your pet in your neighboring streets or engage in exercises. Doing this will keep your body fit and healthy & help you to avoid thinking about smoking.
  • Consult your doctor for proper checkup and tell yourself that you can do it. Do not lose hope. Take advice from family and friends who support you in your decision.

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Martes, Marso 15, 2011

Facts and Fallacies about Marijuana

Drugs will always have pros and cons as there is no such thing as perfect drug. Marijuana is an example of a drug that has benefits and drawbacks. There are several opinions on what would happen if marijuana was legalized and was used freely. But as years go by, the positive effects of marijuana outweigh the negative effects. Part of the issue is that society is not full educated on the facts and fallacies regarding marijuana:


False – Anybody can be overdosed with marijuana.


Fact – You can never be overdosed with marijuana, no matter how much you is in your system. Alcohol, other the other hand, can lead to death with an overdose.


False – If marijuana gets legalized, other drugs will follow and all hard drugs will be wanted as well.


Fact – If somebody uses marijuana, there is a lesser chance that harder drugs will follow.


False – Marijuana can cause brain damage.


Fact – Marijuana does not have toxins that can cause brain cells to die. Instead, it brings out the creative side of the user.



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Facts and Fallacies about Marijuana

Drugs will always have pros and cons as there is no such thing as perfect drug. Marijuana is an example of a drug that has benefits and drawbacks. There are several opinions on what would happen if marijuana was legalized and was used freely. But as years go by, the positive effects of marijuana outweigh the negative effects. Part of the issue is that society is not full educated on the facts and fallacies regarding marijuana:


False – Anybody can be overdosed with marijuana.


Fact – You can never be overdosed with marijuana, no matter how much you is in your system. Alcohol, other the other hand, can lead to death with an overdose.


False – If marijuana gets legalized, other drugs will follow and all hard drugs will be wanted as well.


Fact – If somebody uses marijuana, there is a lesser chance that harder drugs will follow.


False – Marijuana can cause brain damage.


Fact – Marijuana does not have toxins that can cause brain cells to die. Instead, it brings out the creative side of the user.



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Here are some facts that will surprise you:

Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a controversial topic that is on the minds and lips of many people. The debate over whether to legalize this plant or not still has a very long way to go. But what is marijuana? Why is their controversy? What does marijuana consist of? Here are some facts that will surprise you:

·         Hemp seeds were used as food in China in 6000 BCE. And during 2727 BCE, the Chinese documented the positive effect of marijuana as a medicine. That is why the Chinese grew large amounts of this for food and medicine.

·         This hemp plant is believed to be the first fabric woven from dried hemp weed during 7000-8500 BCE.

·         Scythians cultivate marijuana to weave cloth. Sometime around 700-300 BCE, this plant was popular among Scythian tribes and was used as offerings to royal tombs.

·         Cannabis is considered to be a sacred plant in India and was used as an offering to Shiva and as a medication during 1200-800 BCE.

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Here are some facts that will surprise you:

Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a controversial topic that is on the minds and lips of many people. The debate over whether to legalize this plant or not still has a very long way to go. But what is marijuana? Why is their controversy? What does marijuana consist of? Here are some facts that will surprise you:

·         Hemp seeds were used as food in China in 6000 BCE. And during 2727 BCE, the Chinese documented the positive effect of marijuana as a medicine. That is why the Chinese grew large amounts of this for food and medicine.

·         This hemp plant is believed to be the first fabric woven from dried hemp weed during 7000-8500 BCE.

·         Scythians cultivate marijuana to weave cloth. Sometime around 700-300 BCE, this plant was popular among Scythian tribes and was used as offerings to royal tombs.

·         Cannabis is considered to be a sacred plant in India and was used as an offering to Shiva and as a medication during 1200-800 BCE.

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Lunes, Marso 14, 2011

3 Reasons to Legalize Marijuana

Marijuana is a plant that has been used for 400,000 years. However, legalizing it is very debatable and it may take many years for this decision to be made. Marijuana has somehow received a bad connotation among people who believe that marijuana is a harmful drug because many criminals are found to be under the influence of marijuana during the happening of the crime. Even high school dropouts are caught using this false perception. But aside from these false assumptions, why should cities legalize marijuana?


First of all, just by legalizing marijuana, the government can collect taxes at an unbelievable rate. There will be many people that would end up paying tax on this item if private dealers were taken out of the business.


Second, marijuana has the ability to treat illnesses and even chronic diseases such as diabetes, HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C. You just need a prescription from your doctor that you are authorized to buy and use marijuana.


Third, marijuana is not the most harmful drug. Legalized cheap drugs that can be bought on the market may be more harmful than marijuana itself. 


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3 Reasons to Legalize Marijuana

Marijuana is a plant that has been used for 400,000 years. However, legalizing it is very debatable and it may take many years for this decision to be made. Marijuana has somehow received a bad connotation among people who believe that marijuana is a harmful drug because many criminals are found to be under the influence of marijuana during the happening of the crime. Even high school dropouts are caught using this false perception. But aside from these false assumptions, why should cities legalize marijuana?


First of all, just by legalizing marijuana, the government can collect taxes at an unbelievable rate. There will be many people that would end up paying tax on this item if private dealers were taken out of the business.


Second, marijuana has the ability to treat illnesses and even chronic diseases such as diabetes, HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C. You just need a prescription from your doctor that you are authorized to buy and use marijuana.


Third, marijuana is not the most harmful drug. Legalized cheap drugs that can be bought on the market may be more harmful than marijuana itself. 


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PORMAL Pushes for Legalization of Marijuana

A non-government organization, in Philippines, called the Philippine Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (Pormal), is calling for the legalization of marijuana. PORMAL believes that this drug has medicinal benefits, according to GMA News, a public news program in the Philippines.

Pormal cited different benefits we can get from marijuana. This medicinal use has made this drug legal in 14 countries in the USA. They pointed out that marijuana can bring positive effects to patients who are suffering with nausea, vomiting, pre-menstrual syndrome, unintentional weight loss, and loss of appetite, among others. It has also been recognized as a therapy for chronic diseases, such as cancer, hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS and they also claim that this medical drug has no side effects.

In the USA, they regulate laws regarding the legalization of marijuana.

There should be a minimum amount of marijuana that can be grown or brought and that the use of marijuana should be prescribed by the physician.


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PORMAL Pushes for Legalization of Marijuana

A non-government organization, in Philippines, called the Philippine Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (Pormal), is calling for the legalization of marijuana. PORMAL believes that this drug has medicinal benefits, according to GMA News, a public news program in the Philippines.

Pormal cited different benefits we can get from marijuana. This medicinal use has made this drug legal in 14 countries in the USA. They pointed out that marijuana can bring positive effects to patients who are suffering with nausea, vomiting, pre-menstrual syndrome, unintentional weight loss, and loss of appetite, among others. It has also been recognized as a therapy for chronic diseases, such as cancer, hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS and they also claim that this medical drug has no side effects.

In the USA, they regulate laws regarding the legalization of marijuana.

There should be a minimum amount of marijuana that can be grown or brought and that the use of marijuana should be prescribed by the physician.


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Ontario Legalizes Marijuana

On Friday May 16th, marijuana supporters celebrated the court’s decision to effectively legalize marijuana in Canada’s largest province, Ontario. This decision was bound on Ontarios’ lower courts stating that pot possession is not illegal and the user cannot be convicted. This simply means that marijuana is entirely legal in Ontario.

This decision to legalize marijuana started last January in Windsor, Ontario, when Attorney Brian McAllister convinced Provincial Court Judge Phillips that the laws regarding cannabis no longer exist. McAllister stated that his 16- year old client should be free from charges of possession and Judge Phillips agreed adding that he would have also thrown out charges if cultivation or trafficking had been before him. The allegation of McAllister was based on the Potter ruling stating that laws of marijuana in Ontario are unconstitutional because it does not address the needs of sick people who need treatment from this drug.


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