Martes, Hunyo 21, 2011

Effects of Consuming Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana is a very controversial drug mostly in the USA where the government and the common people argue whether to have it legalized or not because of its possible effects to the body which some people believe to be destructing. Marijuana is a drug smoked mostly by Americans, and most of these marijuana users have a relevant history in alcohol addiction. Marijuana comes from a hemp plant called cannabis sativa, the scientific name of the plant.


When smoking marijuana, people use cigarette joints and pipes. However, when people go to pubs, they just mix marijuana to their foods and drinks because when smokes marijuana produces a distinctive smell which can be easily traced by the police officials. If you get caught, then you could be imprisoned.


Marijuana has an effect to the human’s brain because of its active chemical element called THC. If the person smokes marijuana, the chemical element goes to the lungs which will then be carried by the bloodstream going to the brain and all other parts of the body rapidly. THC automatically disables the signals of cannobinoid receptors, a side of the brain; thus, a series of chemical cellular reaction takes place resulting to person’s “high” state. From then on, the person’s state of mind alters. The thought, feelings and concentration is also highly affected.


Aside from the brain, the heart rate also gets affected resulting to an increase of 30-100% after a minute of consumption. This state could for 3-8 hours depending on the amount of dosage taken. So, if you consume large amount of marijuana for long hours, it could result to chest pains or worse, heart failure.


Article review by: bubble hash

People Benefiting in Marijuana

Marijuana has really set a major controversy in the world. There are some who are in favor of its legalization, while there are some who are not. Most of the people who are in cons are the federal government. There are already 15 states that legalized marijuana for medical purposes. Well, who are these people that actually medical marijuana is helping? Below are the lists of some of the people that are getting benefits from this hemp plant.


·         Chronic pain patients – Chronic pain is a pain that gets back frequently. Living with this pain can be excruciatingly hard. With the help of medical marijuana, people who suffer with chronic pain can find relief on it without having to rely on those prescription pain killers.


·         Cancer patients – Cancer patients who are specifically undergoing in chemotherapy can seek help with medical marijuana. Chemotherapy can be really hard on the body. Most patients feel nauseous and vomit everytime and so they usually lose appetite or even if they want to eat, they can hardly do it. The help of medical marijuana is to increase appetite and control you from vomiting during the sessions.


·         Epilepsy patients – medical marijuana helps a person with epilepsy to minimize the number of the seizure’s occurrences. Most of the medications given to control epilepsy have negative side effects. However, with medical marijuana you can barely notice any unwanted side effects of it to the person. That is why most people prefer marijuana over the prescription drugs.



Article review by: bubble bags

Lunes, Hunyo 20, 2011

Marijuana Dispensaries in Lansing Alarm People

June 16, Thursday night, more than 50 people went to the public hearing to place their thumbprint on Lansing’s controversially existing medical marijuana economy.


During the meeting of Public Safety Community in Foster Community Center, there are some who wanted to control the number of marijuana dispensaries in the place, while there are some who wished on operating hours’ extension.  On the other hand, there are some who want this particular economy to shut down as they claim that there is something illegal done inside the shops. Lansing is one of the Mid-Michigan places who started on the regulation of the medical marijuana dispensaries after the statewide ballot on medical marijuana legalization got approved in 2008.


Gary Casteel, a Lansing resident, is alarmed by the 48 dispensaries operating in the state and said, “I think we opened up a Pandora's Box, and we don't know how to shut it.


Covered in the proposed ordinance, medical marijuana dispensaries are allowed to operate on industrial and business zones. They need to be away ten thousand feet from schools, churches, student and children center and other marijuana business.


Robert Castillo, a TNT employee in East Michigan Avenue said that the proposed hours of operation makes it hard for him to serve all patients. As of now, TNT serves 24/7.


Melissa Quon – Huber, president of Averill Woods Neighborhood Association is also alarmed of this very lenient medical marijuana dispensaries regulation. It could mean that many dispensaries will pull towards Lansing that all these dispensaries can serve all in Mid-Michigan areas. "It's important that we get this right," she said.


Article review by: bubble hash

Marijuana History in India

Marijuana, which is scientifically called cannabis has created a major controversy worldwide as lawmaker and common people debate regarding its advantages and disadvantages to our health, society and economy.  In USA, many states are slowly having marijuana legalization for medical purposes. This did not come easy because this has been debated for long years. However, dealing with cannabis in India never got difficult.


During the 20th and 21st century, cannabis usage has become rampant and common among Hindu people. You can even find it for sale along their busy streets. People such as construction workers use it to relieve from fatigue and stress. They also use it during religious ceremonies to find divinity and solemnity. Sadhus are people who gave up material and worldy life in favor of spiritual freedom by using cannabis. They live in the forest and just wear ragged clothes. This plant, cannabis, has a very long history on how it started in India. It brings us back ten thousand years ago.


Cannabis, for the record, has been mentioned earliest in their sacred Hindu texts called Vedas.  It is believed that it has been written during 2000 to 14000 BC. As stated in Vedas, cannabis was one of the five sacred leaves, and an angel lives on it. Vedas consider cannabis as a joy-giver, liberator and a happiness that never fails to help human in achieving pleasure and courage. It helps take away anxiety. Bhang, the name they call cannabis in India, was seldom associated with their God, Shiva. According to legend, Shiva went on wandering in the fields after an argument he had with his family. He fell asleep after getting drained from the sun and the exhausting conflict. When he woke up, he suddenly got the curiosity to try on the plant. He instantly felt alive and rejuvenated. From then on, he made bhang his favorite food and he was known as the Lord of Bhang.


Article review by: bubble bags