Martes, Hunyo 21, 2011

People Benefiting in Marijuana

Marijuana has really set a major controversy in the world. There are some who are in favor of its legalization, while there are some who are not. Most of the people who are in cons are the federal government. There are already 15 states that legalized marijuana for medical purposes. Well, who are these people that actually medical marijuana is helping? Below are the lists of some of the people that are getting benefits from this hemp plant.


·         Chronic pain patients – Chronic pain is a pain that gets back frequently. Living with this pain can be excruciatingly hard. With the help of medical marijuana, people who suffer with chronic pain can find relief on it without having to rely on those prescription pain killers.


·         Cancer patients – Cancer patients who are specifically undergoing in chemotherapy can seek help with medical marijuana. Chemotherapy can be really hard on the body. Most patients feel nauseous and vomit everytime and so they usually lose appetite or even if they want to eat, they can hardly do it. The help of medical marijuana is to increase appetite and control you from vomiting during the sessions.


·         Epilepsy patients – medical marijuana helps a person with epilepsy to minimize the number of the seizure’s occurrences. Most of the medications given to control epilepsy have negative side effects. However, with medical marijuana you can barely notice any unwanted side effects of it to the person. That is why most people prefer marijuana over the prescription drugs.



Article review by: bubble bags

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