Sabado, Agosto 27, 2011

Sell of medical marijuana has been prohibited to private sellers in Michigan

Private shops cannot sell medical marijuana. The 2008 medical marijuana law, as well as the state's public health code, dose not allow people to sell pot to anyone. There are 200 - 300 business that will be affected by this decision. This public safety victory will help stop the proliferation of pot shops near to Michigan communities schools.

Detroit Renaissance Center
Creative Commons License photo credit: 123 Chroma Pixels


Biyernes, Agosto 26, 2011

The Facebook Group is Up and Running!

Hello everyone on the interweb! The new Trichom Facebook page is up now and if you are looking for cool bubble hash and bubble bags tips your better bee line yourself over there and like it.

We may even run some promotions on our new product that are coming for harvest this fall. It's hard to beleive that fall with be here soon and it will be trimming time again! I can't wait. Sticky-Icky ...

It's been great seeing all the feedback coming in and having great suggestion for our next version of bags. We have something special in the works right now that no-one else is making and is going to revolutionize your bubble hash bag experience. Keep an eye out will releasee the photos on Facebook first!


Note on the weather! Anyone on the Eastern seaboard (like myself) buckle down! Looks like hurricane Irene is really going give a whooping. The weather is super grey here, looks like I'm going to have to tie everything down in the yard again. There is really nothing like Hurricane season.

Eye of Hurricane Irene
Creative Commons License photo credit: Undertow851

Huwebes, Agosto 4, 2011

Interested In Some Bubblehash Tea?

Here is a good recipe to make Kief tea. With some really good bubble hash you can reduce the amount of hash needed.


cannabis tea

Irish Tea

Ireland is one of the world’s largest per capita tea consumers. The Irish like their tea strong and enjoy what we call Irish Breakfast Tea—a robust blend of black teas—all day long, typically served with lots of milk. Serves 4.

2 cups whole milk or half and half
2 grams kief or hash
3 cups strongly brewed Irish breakfast tea
Sugar to taste

Heat milk or half and half over medium low heat—do not boil! Stir in kief or hash until dissolved. Divide milk mixture between 4 large coffee mugs. Fill mugs with hot brewed tea. Sweeten to taste and serve.

-Courtesy of Culture Magazine

The pancakes are Yummy!
Creative Commons License photo credit: coconut wireless

Huwebes, Hulyo 21, 2011

Seattle is Going to Tax and Regulate Medical Marijuana

Creative Commons License photo credit: Cannabis Defense Coalition

The city of Seattle has decide to take the leap of the faith to embrace the medical marijuana industry. The new regulations are expected to be implemented swiftly.

It's great to see proper drug regulations embraced by the city of Seattle!


The city of Seattle plans to start taxing and licensing medical marijuana operations like any other business, in response to changes in state law that have left the industry in a legal morass.

The Seattle City Council unanimously passed rules Monday requiring that medical marijuana operations be licensed, obtain food-handling permits if they sell marijuana-infused cookies or other items, and follow all other regulations such as land use and historic preservation codes. The approach is the opposite of what several other local cities have done - imposing moratoriums on such operations.

"The upshot is they are here and we should regulate them," said Councilwoman Sally Clark.

A spokesman for Mayor Mike McGinn said he expects to sign the measure quickly.

Solstice Parade-55
Creative Commons License photo credit: stevevoght

Racists Cured of their Hate With Marijuana

Solar toke
Creative Commons License photo credit: JosephAdams

Interesting story, sounds like a life changing experience.


The girls say it changed their lives. They now enjoy painting things that pot smokers love painting (astrological themed images, but soon it will undoubtedly be the Grateful Dead dancing bears, or lines that swirl and swirl and swirl) and plan on going to college, where their medical marijuana cards and kindly dispositions will likely win them many friends. After college, they plan on continuing to advocate for marijuana legalization in all 50 states, so we can all just toke together in harmony and hold hands and sing and star at the fabric on the arm of this couch I'm sitting on. I never really looked at it, you know.

Give Me Weed
Creative Commons License photo credit: Ian Sane

Lunes, Hulyo 18, 2011

The Beginning of Medical Marijuana Law in New Mexico

In New Mexico, the process of having marijuana be legally served to severely ill patients has been long and tough. On July of 2007, the “the Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use” was officially signed to be a law. This Act was named after two women: Lynn Pierson and Erin Armstrong. Lynn was a 26-year old cancer patient back then in 1978. She advocated the medical use of marijuana before it was legislated by New Mexico. Erin was also a marijuana advocate who suffered with advanced thyroid cancer.

Right after the law became official, New Mexico became the 12th state to legalize medical marijuana. Governor Bill Richardson,supporter of the law, had been really courageous and outspoken despite all the controversies that could have risen while running for presidency. It was supposed to be on October 1, 2007 when the state’s Department of Health should already have an outline of the regulations and parameters for the patients and providers to qualify. Yet, it took them until January of 2009 for them finish it.

The process for providers has been disappointing, frustrating and slow. With more than 540 patients approved at that time, there was only one provider. A provider is only permitted to grow 95 cannabis plants at a time which bring the patients into a state of scarcity. They have to compete over the limited amount of medical marijuana or find an illegal supplier.

Article review by: bubble bags

The Biggest (300 Acres) Marijuana Plantation Ever In Mexico!

Check out the setup at this place! Over 300 acres of cover cannabis. This place must have stunk for miles. the military claims they could smell it because the tarp. The tarp wasn't suspicious either because many farmers use this to protect their crops from the sun. It is really a remarkable operation.

Hopefully our governments will realized that our current drug policy is only perpetuating this type of industry south of the border. Once Obama and the DEA decide to get on board with Proper Cannabis regulations hopefully all of this criminal nonsense will come to a grinding halt.

Daily Mail wrote:

Mexican soldiers found the largest marijuana plantation ever detected in Mexico, a huge field covering almost 300 acres (120 hectares), according to the Defence Department.
The plantation is four times larger than the previous record discovery by authorities at a ranch in northern Chihuahua state in 1984.

The Biggest (300 Acres) Marijuana Plantation Ever In Mexico!

Check out the setup at this place! Over 300 acres of cover cannabis. This place must have stunk for miles. the military claims they could smell it because the tarp. The tarp wasn't suspicious either because many farmers use this to protect their crops from the sun. It is really a remarkable operation.

Hopefully our governments will realized that our current drug policy is only perpetuating this type of industry south of the border. Once Obama and the DEA decide to get on board with Proper Cannabis regulations hopefully all of this criminal nonsense will come to a grinding halt.

Daily Mail wrote:

Mexican soldiers found the largest marijuana plantation ever detected in Mexico, a huge field covering almost 300 acres (120 hectares), according to the Defence Department.
The plantation is four times larger than the previous record discovery by authorities at a ranch in northern Chihuahua state in 1984.

Biyernes, Hulyo 15, 2011

The Sweet Nector of Green Cannabis Energy

One plant could possibility provided enough energy formthe world to convert to clean energy with ease. The cannabis plant has the ability to growmenought biomass to counter act the cost of energy to produce biofuel. That is the single flaw of corn bio fuel, the pure energy cost to make biofuel doesn't make a greater net difference toward the carbon footprint. Just another reason why proper marijuana laws need to be curated.

Minnesota Grown Corn
Creative Commons License photo credit: Alternative Heat

NUG Magazine wrote:
The cannabis plant is the key to the revolution in reducing our energy economic costs to individuals and our environment. The bottom line in this change is all based on the financial numbers plugged into a mathematical equation that results in the lowest number. Money, the amount we all pay for energy, is going to decide what society chooses to get our power from and cannabis in a free market will be the overwhelmingly clear choice. The glands of cannabis flowers will pay for the entire cultivation effort, leaving the rest of the plant cost free for energy and other more valuable products.
There is 100% no doubt that cannabis can be energy/fuel. Cannabis biomass is capable of being transformed into electricity and fuels (methane, methanol, gasoline) more efficiently than fossil fuels (coal, oil) and without the poisonous pollution. Raw and “left over” processed cannabis, where fiber, seeds, buds/nugs, and/or trichromes are separated into different high value products, is fed into existing working manufactures of energy. Cannabis a sustainable eco-friendly resource, along with trash, algae production and industrial waste will together make up local energy independence around the world. The transition to this less costly society will be cannabis, which is the missing key factor to this economic freedom – an ideal feedstock (a resource to feed the energy factories).

The Sweet Nector of Green Cannabis Energy

One plant could possibility provided enough energy formthe world to convert to clean energy with ease. The cannabis plant has the ability to growmenought biomass to counter act the cost of energy to produce biofuel. That is the single flaw of corn bio fuel, the pure energy cost to make biofuel doesn't make a greater net difference toward the carbon footprint. Just another reason why proper marijuana laws need to be curated.

Minnesota Grown Corn
Creative Commons License photo credit: Alternative Heat

NUG Magazine wrote:
The cannabis plant is the key to the revolution in reducing our energy economic costs to individuals and our environment. The bottom line in this change is all based on the financial numbers plugged into a mathematical equation that results in the lowest number. Money, the amount we all pay for energy, is going to decide what society chooses to get our power from and cannabis in a free market will be the overwhelmingly clear choice. The glands of cannabis flowers will pay for the entire cultivation effort, leaving the rest of the plant cost free for energy and other more valuable products.
There is 100% no doubt that cannabis can be energy/fuel. Cannabis biomass is capable of being transformed into electricity and fuels (methane, methanol, gasoline) more efficiently than fossil fuels (coal, oil) and without the poisonous pollution. Raw and “left over” processed cannabis, where fiber, seeds, buds/nugs, and/or trichromes are separated into different high value products, is fed into existing working manufactures of energy. Cannabis a sustainable eco-friendly resource, along with trash, algae production and industrial waste will together make up local energy independence around the world. The transition to this less costly society will be cannabis, which is the missing key factor to this economic freedom – an ideal feedstock (a resource to feed the energy factories).

Miyerkules, Hulyo 13, 2011

This is my second test post very sorry I promise. Last one ...


This Is A Test Post Please Ignore

Something funny is happening when I make a post ...

Medical Marijuana Patient Fired And Then Awarded Unemployment

After a long and lengthy battle with the courts the medical patients receives unemployment after being terminated from their job. The employer stated they have a zero tolerance policy on drugs but did not use a licensed or certified laboratory for testing. Seems fair to me that this patient would get unemployment funding, I would hope that they get financial compensation for the grief of being fired. It really sounds like the company was using some eBay drug testing strips to check out their employees. Who know's how accurate and consistent those things are. It good to hear that patient received some help.

Toke Of The Town:

A medical marijuana patient in Colorado has been rewarded unemployment benefits after being fired from his job for positive drug test results.

The Colorado Court of Appeals ruled in Sosa v. Industrial Claim Appeals Office that the evidence presented by an employer at a claims hearing fell short of proving a sufficient basis for the denial of unemployment benefits to the man, who tested positive in the employer’s drug screen, according to Lexology.

A registered medical marijuana patient was required to undergo urinalysis when his supervisor claimed the employee exhibited “behavior suggesting he might be under the influence of drugs.”

Martes, Hunyo 21, 2011

Effects of Consuming Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana is a very controversial drug mostly in the USA where the government and the common people argue whether to have it legalized or not because of its possible effects to the body which some people believe to be destructing. Marijuana is a drug smoked mostly by Americans, and most of these marijuana users have a relevant history in alcohol addiction. Marijuana comes from a hemp plant called cannabis sativa, the scientific name of the plant.


When smoking marijuana, people use cigarette joints and pipes. However, when people go to pubs, they just mix marijuana to their foods and drinks because when smokes marijuana produces a distinctive smell which can be easily traced by the police officials. If you get caught, then you could be imprisoned.


Marijuana has an effect to the human’s brain because of its active chemical element called THC. If the person smokes marijuana, the chemical element goes to the lungs which will then be carried by the bloodstream going to the brain and all other parts of the body rapidly. THC automatically disables the signals of cannobinoid receptors, a side of the brain; thus, a series of chemical cellular reaction takes place resulting to person’s “high” state. From then on, the person’s state of mind alters. The thought, feelings and concentration is also highly affected.


Aside from the brain, the heart rate also gets affected resulting to an increase of 30-100% after a minute of consumption. This state could for 3-8 hours depending on the amount of dosage taken. So, if you consume large amount of marijuana for long hours, it could result to chest pains or worse, heart failure.


Article review by: bubble hash

People Benefiting in Marijuana

Marijuana has really set a major controversy in the world. There are some who are in favor of its legalization, while there are some who are not. Most of the people who are in cons are the federal government. There are already 15 states that legalized marijuana for medical purposes. Well, who are these people that actually medical marijuana is helping? Below are the lists of some of the people that are getting benefits from this hemp plant.


·         Chronic pain patients – Chronic pain is a pain that gets back frequently. Living with this pain can be excruciatingly hard. With the help of medical marijuana, people who suffer with chronic pain can find relief on it without having to rely on those prescription pain killers.


·         Cancer patients – Cancer patients who are specifically undergoing in chemotherapy can seek help with medical marijuana. Chemotherapy can be really hard on the body. Most patients feel nauseous and vomit everytime and so they usually lose appetite or even if they want to eat, they can hardly do it. The help of medical marijuana is to increase appetite and control you from vomiting during the sessions.


·         Epilepsy patients – medical marijuana helps a person with epilepsy to minimize the number of the seizure’s occurrences. Most of the medications given to control epilepsy have negative side effects. However, with medical marijuana you can barely notice any unwanted side effects of it to the person. That is why most people prefer marijuana over the prescription drugs.



Article review by: bubble bags

Lunes, Hunyo 20, 2011

Marijuana Dispensaries in Lansing Alarm People

June 16, Thursday night, more than 50 people went to the public hearing to place their thumbprint on Lansing’s controversially existing medical marijuana economy.


During the meeting of Public Safety Community in Foster Community Center, there are some who wanted to control the number of marijuana dispensaries in the place, while there are some who wished on operating hours’ extension.  On the other hand, there are some who want this particular economy to shut down as they claim that there is something illegal done inside the shops. Lansing is one of the Mid-Michigan places who started on the regulation of the medical marijuana dispensaries after the statewide ballot on medical marijuana legalization got approved in 2008.


Gary Casteel, a Lansing resident, is alarmed by the 48 dispensaries operating in the state and said, “I think we opened up a Pandora's Box, and we don't know how to shut it.


Covered in the proposed ordinance, medical marijuana dispensaries are allowed to operate on industrial and business zones. They need to be away ten thousand feet from schools, churches, student and children center and other marijuana business.


Robert Castillo, a TNT employee in East Michigan Avenue said that the proposed hours of operation makes it hard for him to serve all patients. As of now, TNT serves 24/7.


Melissa Quon – Huber, president of Averill Woods Neighborhood Association is also alarmed of this very lenient medical marijuana dispensaries regulation. It could mean that many dispensaries will pull towards Lansing that all these dispensaries can serve all in Mid-Michigan areas. "It's important that we get this right," she said.


Article review by: bubble hash

Marijuana History in India

Marijuana, which is scientifically called cannabis has created a major controversy worldwide as lawmaker and common people debate regarding its advantages and disadvantages to our health, society and economy.  In USA, many states are slowly having marijuana legalization for medical purposes. This did not come easy because this has been debated for long years. However, dealing with cannabis in India never got difficult.


During the 20th and 21st century, cannabis usage has become rampant and common among Hindu people. You can even find it for sale along their busy streets. People such as construction workers use it to relieve from fatigue and stress. They also use it during religious ceremonies to find divinity and solemnity. Sadhus are people who gave up material and worldy life in favor of spiritual freedom by using cannabis. They live in the forest and just wear ragged clothes. This plant, cannabis, has a very long history on how it started in India. It brings us back ten thousand years ago.


Cannabis, for the record, has been mentioned earliest in their sacred Hindu texts called Vedas.  It is believed that it has been written during 2000 to 14000 BC. As stated in Vedas, cannabis was one of the five sacred leaves, and an angel lives on it. Vedas consider cannabis as a joy-giver, liberator and a happiness that never fails to help human in achieving pleasure and courage. It helps take away anxiety. Bhang, the name they call cannabis in India, was seldom associated with their God, Shiva. According to legend, Shiva went on wandering in the fields after an argument he had with his family. He fell asleep after getting drained from the sun and the exhausting conflict. When he woke up, he suddenly got the curiosity to try on the plant. He instantly felt alive and rejuvenated. From then on, he made bhang his favorite food and he was known as the Lord of Bhang.


Article review by: bubble bags

Biyernes, Mayo 13, 2011

Billionaire Is Trying to Legalized Medical Marijuana

This is really amazing of Lewis to take such a step forward in the right direction. I believe with enough common sense practice we can create proper medical marijuana legislation. What do you think? Would you spend you money on the cause? Luisa Kroll wrote:

One of the biggest backers of medical marijuana in the country, Peter Lewis is seeking proposals to conduct a ballot initiative campaign to legalize marijuana for medical use in Ohio.

Fifteen states, according to the request for proposals, have made marijuana legal for qualified patients, most through the passage of similar voter initiatives. The first was California in 1996.

Billionaire May Try to Legalize Medical Marijuana in Ohio - Luisa ...

This is really amazing of Lewis to take such a step forward in the right direction. I believe with enough common sense practice we can create proper medical marijuana legislation. What do you think? Would you spend you money on the cause? Luisa Kroll wrote:

One of the biggest backers of medical marijuana in the country, Peter Lewis is seeking proposals to conduct a ballot initiative campaign to legalize marijuana for medical use in Ohio.

Fifteen states, according to the request for proposals, have made marijuana legal for qualified patients, most through the passage of similar voter initiatives. The first was California in 1996.

Huwebes, Mayo 12, 2011

Marijuana Driving Bill Trashed in Senate

In Denver Capitol, a proposal that will set a limit on how stoned is too stoned to drive was being trashed last Monday night, May 9.

In a very critical vote, the lawmakers denied setting the amount of THC, the psychoactive element of marijuana, a driver could have in his system to be considered too high and too stoned to drive. Moreover, the Senate supported and sided with the marijuana advocates who said they should give more time to study the proposal.

And regarding the argument for further research, Sen. Shawn Mitchell of R-Broomfield, said, "We are being asked to make policy by anecdote… Policy should be well-considered."

After the rejection of the proposal, the Senate later finally voted to kill the bill. This decision withstood a subsequent procedural challenge 20-15.

Grand Junction Republican, Senator Steve King, was one of the Bill 1261’s sponsors and said that not setting a THC limit will really give bad consequences. He gave fatal incidences where the drivers are tested to be positive with THC.


Article review by: bubble hash

See full article here

Senate Says Yes to Marijuana

May 11, Wednesday late afternoon, Governor Jack Markell sent a legislation that could make Delaware the 16th state to legalize marijuana for medical purposes.

The Senate voted 17-4 in favor of the legislation. They also approved the amendments of the bill the House added that would require marijuana be delivered in tamper-proof containers and would prohibit the smoking of the drug in vehicles and buses.

According to a spokesman, an order to initiate one-year licensing and regulatory- writing will be processed at the Department of Health and Social Services after Markell signs the bill soon.

Under the Senate Bill 17, physicians are allowed to recommend marijuana to patients who are suffering with cancer, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis and post-traumatic stress disorder.

People with debilitating medical conditions or chronic diseases may qualify to seek medical marijuana treatment if all other medicines, procedures or treatments did not relieve the pain or worsen the patient’s conditions. All other medical treatments need to be tried first before marijuana can be recommended.


Article review by: bubble bags

See full article here


Miyerkules, Mayo 11, 2011

New Marijuana Bill in Washington

In Olympia, Washington, lawmakers are striving to negotiate that can get marijuana fully legalized and regulate marijuana dispensaries in the state.

And last Tuesday, a few senators passed a proposed bill that will make the jurisdiction decide whether to regulate the distribution outlets or not. In the recent years, several dispensaries sprouted all over Washington even though the state law does not specifically acknowledge them.

Some of the medical marijuana supporters are raising their concerns regarding this issue. According to Ezra Eickmeyer, Washington Cannabis Association’s political director, it would create conflict between the distributors and the state at the local level for years.

Governor Chris Gregoire, the one who recently vetoed the revised marijuana bill that could give a statewide overview. And two U.S. attorneys had indicated that no state employees involved in marijuana industry will be prosecuted.


Article review by: bubble hash

See full article here

Large Marijuana Growing Home Found in New Albany

The entire neighborhood in Ohio is still in shock after the authorities found a vast marijuana growing area and thousands of dollars worth of plants inside a New Albany Home.

Some of the law enforcement agencies found this marijuana-growing home while doing a search warrant on a home at 4100 block of Greensbury last Tuesday, May 10, around 7:00 AM. The Drug Enforcement Agency reported that the law officers found 100 well- manicured and high-grade plants. The investigators said that the plants are of super high-quality and it could be sold at 2.00 per pound.

They also reported that the front lawn of the house seems proper. The grasses are cut and the hedges are trimmed. And the neighbors were really in the state of disbelief after the raid that happened last Tuesday.

Vivian Sarpong, a woman living next door, said, “Shocking! Shocking! I was shocked when I found out something like that was going on just next door to my house.” She said that a few months ago, a couple with a child moved in there.

The couple is identified as Dana Kosla and Alex Edds, who are both 25 years old. They are charged with manufacturing drugs according to Franklin County Court Records.


Article review by: bubble bags

See full article here

Martes, Mayo 10, 2011

Marijuana Supporters to Protest Against Oakland County

Medical marijuana caregivers and users are to gather around the Oakland County Circuit Court this Monday, May 9, to protest against the tactics used against them by the authorities of the county.

This protest signals as the start of the trial of Barb Agro, 70 years old, a registered patient who is charged with illegal drug dealing. However, Agro’s attorney, Jerome Sabotta said last Saturday that Monday’s hearing is to be dismissed.

Agro, who lives in Lake Orion, is a retired school bus driver. And according to her lawyer, Agro is a former dispatcher for the Lake Orion police with severe arthritis. She is charged with conspiracy and possession of marijuana with intent to distribute.

Jamie Lowell, one of the organizers of the protest said that the protest is not just for Agro, but to all other defendants charged with drug dealing and denied with their rights. Lowell also runs Third Coast Compassion Club in Ypsilanti. He added that two more dozens of medical marijuana defendants are recently facing trials in Oakland County.


Article review by: bubble bags

See full article here



Medical Marijuana as a Blockbuster Drug

There is a very sweet and evident aroma drifting around the medical marijuana industry. And this smell is the smell of money – that signifies a very strong opportunity in the world of entrepreneurship.

Medical marijuana is now hitting $1.7 billion in the market as reported and released by See Change Strategy, an independent financial analysis firm which specializes on unique and new markets. The figure stated represents the approximated sales of medical marijuana on dispensaries on all the states with existing medical marijuana laws. This is the very first time that an actual dollar figure has been given ever since a medical marijuana industry existed.

If you will look at that number in a certain angle, the sales of medical marijuana rival which is Viagra, a business by Pfizer, earns an annual sales of $1.9 billion.

The increasing sales of medical marijuana draw attention and interest to many entrepreneurs and venture capitalists as medical marijuana market is expected to approximately double in a span of five years in 15 states that do have medical marijuana law. And if another 20 states legalize marijuana in the very near future, the market could generate $8.9 billion in 2016.


Article review by: bubble hash

See full article here



Lunes, Mayo 9, 2011

Global Marijuana March Lead by Toronto

Every year on the first Saturday of May, a Global Marijuana March takes places to many cities all over the world. And Toronto joined in this march last May 7, 2011.

More than 25,000 people have gathered around the Queen’s Park and marched the streets all the way downtown around 2:00 PM to protests on marijuana laws.

This annual event was participated by 250 more cities all over the world.

This year is the 13th year of Toronto in hosting the Global Marijuana March, as the people from this state advocate on easier access of medical marijuana for the certified users, more free marijuana laws, and hopefully a total decriminalization on the use of marijuana in Canada.

The march in Toronto is one of the largest marches in the world; and so the commuters and residents are prepared with a big volume of marijuana advocates marching along their streets.


Article review by: bubble bags

See full article here

Global Marijuana March in Argentina’s Capital

A Global Marijuana March had been participated by at least 40 countries all over the world last May7, 2011; and the people from the center capital of Argentina did not except themselves in joining this global march.

From the Congress to Plaza de Mayo, around 15,000 people joined the march. And all of them are calling for drug possession to be decriminalized for personal consumption. In addition, a “national plan of care for addictions be universal and free.”

The people also requested that the rights of medical use of cannabis be recognized.

As stated on the website, the Global Marijuana March (GMM) has been done since 1999; and every first Saturday of March each year, simultaneously in many cities all over the world.

They also added that the march is done independently in many cities in Argentina for four years, which is also coordinated by the weed magazine, THC.

Article review by: bubble hash

See full article here

Biyernes, Mayo 6, 2011

Initiatives on Marijuana Legalization Pushed

The organizer of the campaign that might put the marijuana legalization initiative in the 2012 ballot said last Thursday that the measure will most likely be applicable to people aged 21 years old and above and would permit to possess only small amount of pot.

The executive director of Sensible Colorado, Brian Vicente, who is also one of the voices on the Colorado Legalization 2012 campaign, said that the draft initiative will create a state-licenses system on marijuana shops, alike to the regulatory systems on liquor stores; and will allow users to grow small amounts of marijuana on their own. He added, “Sales on marijuana will mostly likely be added to a special excise tax.  Details are still being worked out.”The campaign still needs to file any initiative language with the state.

During the panel discussion at the annual conference of National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, Vicente said, “We think it's got a really good shot of passing.”

This campaign of Vicente is one of the two that they have been working to make the marijuana legalization be put in the 2012 ballot of Colorado. There is also this group named Legalize 2012 formulating an initiative. On their website the campaign proposes a freedom-based model, with no unreasonable limits on possession of marijuana and no extra taxes beyond the standard sales tax.


Article review by: bubble hash

See full article here

Medical Marijuana Legalization Chance in Olympia

In Olympia, Washington lawmakers are trying once again to rum the medical marijuana bill after Governor Chris Gregoire vetoed on the bill last month which could have led to the way of medical marijuana dispensaries’ legalization.

There have been dozens of dispensaries operating around the state without their legal protection. The supporters of the bill said that it would have been made easier for the 100,000 medical marijuana patients in the state to have their medicine.

Gregoire supported her decision on vetoing on the bill and said that she vetoed that part on the bill which because she feared that state employees get criminal charges which could prohibit the distribution of marijuana. Critics said that her veto could lead medical marijuana users to illegal drug dealers around the corner.

Senator Jeanne Kohl-Welles, who sponsored the original bill, was frustrated by Gregoire’s veto. And now she is working on a bill that lets cities and counties approve licenses if they want. Gregoire said she might consider signing the bill if there will be employee protection from the state, and only if the Democratic and Republican leaders of the House and Senate allow the bill to pass.


Article review by: bubble bags

See full article here

Huwebes, Mayo 5, 2011

Full Marijuana Legalization Highly Sought

The extensive efforts to fully legalize the sales of marijuana have been rejected to come through in Olympia. However, voters around the state might have the final say.

Washington is exerting so much effort to fully make their state the first state to legalize marijuana with their measure on reaching the ballot this year. `And they are expecting a better and bigger funded campaign next year.

Alison Holcomb, drug policy director of state’s Civil Liberties Union Chapter and is gathering people as potential supporters in Washington and all other places said, “We’re very interested in the possibility of something being on the ballot in 2012.”

Initiative 1149 this year seek legalization of marijuana for adults 18 years old and above if it will reach the statewide ballot for the election on November 2011. Volunteers kept on distributing the petitions but had just collected a total of 15,093 in six weeks since March 13.

They have a target of 241,000 valid signatures. And they are hoping for a warm weather so that they can campaign more and a warm reception from their donors.

They have raised funds of $18,600 between December and March. But they spent most of it for the printing and the mailing petition. But they could not get to hire professional signature gatherers. Initiative 1149 co-author Douglas Hiatt who is also an attorney in Seattle said that they need somebody with a big checkbook to simply pay them into the ballot.


Article review by: bubble bags

See full article here



Vacation Rentals, Medical Marijuana Rules Approved by County Supervisors

In Santa Cruz, the County Board of Supervisors finally has put the raging debate to rest last Tuesday, May 3. Initially, it passed a set of regulation laws. However, it did not summarize the number of medical marijuana outlets on separate county areas. Also a support on vacation rentals has been sought for a very long time, especially to those in Live Oak.

Supervisor John Leopold said, “To me, democracy works when people get involved,” Talking about the vacation rental law on various public hearings. He also added, “We've had very spirited debate at many community meetings about this, and democracy isn't always neat. ... What we have here is an ordinance that I think works well.

And the providers heartwarmingly welcomed the new medical marijuana rules as they see this as a way for bad seeds to be pulled out and have greater acceptance on their operations. Ever since the Proposition 215 was passed, it took them 15 years to have this. However, many providers face a lot of uncertainties on issues such as how to manage marijuana.

Article review by: bubble hash

See full article here

Miyerkules, Mayo 4, 2011

Medical Marijuana Bills Advances to City Council

In Flushing, Michigan, two medical marijuana ordinances were approved by the Flushing Planning Commission members to be sent to the City Council for their approval as well.

The ordinance’s regulation is to allow caregivers to operate, and have special use permits. Also there are rules that of marijuana using within the perimeter of the city and imposed penalties to be applied with amendments to whoever violates the ordinance.

The first reading will happen at City Council on May 9 at 7:30 PM at Flushing City Hall, 725 E. Main Street.

Included in the ordinance are the caregivers only to operate in the city’s heavy commercial zone, and should be 500 feet away from schools, day care centers, parks, place of worships and other medical marijuana caregivers. Also, a caregiver must apply for Special Use Permit before using a building for the growing of medical marijuana and aid assistance to patients.

Neil Blackmore, Planning Commission member said, "By making it as conservative as possible it best serves us all.”

Article review by: bubble bags

See full article here

Medical Marijuana Bill Advances

The bill that would legalize medical marijuana goes to next stage as last Tuesday, May 3 as the public health committee voted 22-4 which is to be sent to the state Senate.

However, even if the bill passed a wide margin, the lawmakers are not totally happy with the measure’s wording. And the senate has not yet scheduled for the vote of the bill.

The proposed legislation indicated that people who have written certification from their doctors can legally possess a maximum of 1 ounce of marijuana and grow up to 4 marijuana plants not exceeding 4 feet in height. To be qualified to have a written certification, a person must have a certification that he has a severe medical condition such as cancer, AIDS, glaucoma and multiple sclerosis.

Some of the member of the committee said that they were concerned that the bill does not have any ground rules regarding to how patients can get marijuana seeds in the first place. And just a month ago, the same concerned was raised in a public hearing with the judiciary committee who also voted for the bill to be advanced. Supporters of the bill said that the bill’s wordings will be modified by the time it goes to General Assembly for a vote.

Representative Jason Perillo, R- Shelton said, "I'm optimistic that that will happen.” Last Tuesday he also voted for the bill. Yet, he said he will vote against it on General Assembly if the concerns are not addressed on the modification.

Article review by: bubble hash

See full article here

Martes, Mayo 3, 2011

Colorado Medical Marijuana Law Captured the US Attorney’s Attention


Colorado US Attorney warned the state’s lawmakers that federal prosecutions may arise as the pending legislation that adjusts the laws of the existing medical marijuana bill.

Attorney General John Suthers of Colorado received a letter from US Attorney John Walsh which is a response from the attorney general’s request to clarify the issue that the pending marijuana law modification which is now taken into consideration bin House Bill 1043 can cause conflict with the federal treatment of medical marijuana use.

In Walsh’s letter, he wrote”the Department of Justice is still on the go to fully implement the Controlled Substances Act and the federal law in all states. Thus, if the provisions of H.B. 1043 are enacted and become law, the Department will continue to carefully consider all appropriate civil and criminal legal remedies to prevent manufacture and distribution of marijuana and other associated violations.

The sponsor of the bill, Senator Pat Steadman, said on his mind that he thinks that the letter General Suthers sent only blurs the federal Department of Justice’s stand on medical marijuana instead of clarifying it. He also added, “We have had mixed messages from the federal government on this. I think this casts a big shadow upon this industry in Colorado. It does cause some uncertainty and trepidation.

Under federal law, selling and using of marijuana is illegal. However, many states already allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes such as in Colorado.

The medical marijuana industry in Colorado was a success for the last two years.  This was partially because the state’s constitutional amendment allowing the use of medical marijuana, state court decided to expand the use of medical marijuana and the federal agents’ low priority over the medical marijuana usage in states. While the marijuana dispensaries and the users of marijuana multiplies each time, the legislature kept trying on creating some ground rules regarding this bombshell industry.

The purpose of the current bill sponsored by Sen. Pat Steadman and Representative Tom Massey was to fix and close the loopholes of the state’s medical marijuana law. However, this bill alarmed the concern of Suthers and other law enforcers as it gets pushed through the committee process.


Article review by: bubble bags

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Montana Lawmakers Pass the Revised Marijuana Bill


In Helena, last Thursday, April 28, after denying Governor Brian Schweitzer’s amendment that allows a marijuana provider to provide 25 patients and let them generate profit, the lawmakers gave the revised version of the medical marijuana overhaul bill.

Legislators of both chambers agreed to Gov. Schweitzer’s changes to the bill that increases privacy rights on patients and procedural changes on accessing the drug.

The legislators had a negotiation with Gov. Schweitzer; for which the government agreed to Schweitzer’s changes to the bill that would increase privacy rights on patients and on the procedural changes of the drug. However, after the negotiation turned into madness, the governor’s amendments on increasing the access of marijuana were denied and the legislators decided to stick with the strict regulations in the bill which was passed last Wednesday, April 27. And the measure will be returned to Gov. Schweitzer for his approval or veto.

This revised bill, Senate Bill 423 re-evaluated and rewrote the existing marijuana law and aims to significantly reduce the number of marijuana users and eliminate marijuana business on states that have approximately 30,000 users and a big marijuana industry.  The bill also aims on growing marijuana for free and pure grounds.

It was a major rewrite and was one of the biggest limitations on medical marijuana law attempted by a state ever.

Gov. Schweitzer wrote a letter to the president and said there that he is disappointed with the current form of the Senate Bill 423 that it has unconstitutional provisions and he is afraid that the limited access in the overhaul would provoke patients to settle for illegal marijuana market.

The rejected amendments of Gov. Schweitzer would have loosened the very tight restrictions of the bill that could allow providers earn profit and have them three patients each. However, the lawmakers could not promote an increase on number of patients per provider for the Department of Justice has stated clearly on their letter which was sent to the officials of different states that it will target large growing marijuana operations.

Just recently, the marijuana business in Montana has been the target of federal raids. And so, Montana’s US Attorney issued warning against marijuana businesses last week.


Article review by: bubble hash

See full article here



Biyernes, Abril 29, 2011

Rob Van Dam (RVD) talks about Marijuana laws

Watch this Video! wrote:
Former WWE superstar Rob Van Dam (RVD) gives his thoughts on Marijuana laws! Please help RVD get the word out by showing this video to as many wrestling […]

Canada's Liberal Leader Smoked Pot! I Know Who I Am Voting For

As the Federal election nears in Canada we may see some reform to the medical marijuana laws. The possession law will be thrown out in nearly 40 days due to a law overturn in Ontario. The Liberals leader Ignatieff admits to smoking pot, but does not agree with legalization but he does support that people should not be charged for possession. Here's hoping that the medical marijuana law changes for the better and makes self medication more available to Canadians. wrote:
Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff responded in the affirmative to the inevitable marijuana question on Wednesday, saying, "I have smoked pot as a young man, yes . . . […]

Feds Continue To Harrass Medical Marijuana States

The Federal government is stepping into Northern California iniating threats of prosecution of medical marijuana farms. Washington is threating create a stronger presence in California. It's quite odd that after a year of regulation changes that the Feds want to come to California to cause grief to happy medical patients. I have pasted a link below for you to check out, it's a long article but worth the read.

Huwebes, Abril 28, 2011

Federal Government Send Warning to Medical Marijuana States

The Federal Government is trying to flex it's muscle on the states that have enable medical marijuana. Threats of crackdowns and penalties have been the word of the Feds. You would think their are more important issues then trying to attack the sick and vulnerable.

The 420 Times

Federal pot warning sent to Colorado lawmakers
Colorado is the latest state to receive marijuana warnings from the federal government as state lawmakers mull regulating the drug. The top federal prosecutor in Colorado sent a letter Tuesday to Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper a

Illinois to be the 16th Medical Marijuana State

Political opinions is changing in Illinois which will allow medical marijuana for the use of severe aliments such as Cancer, MS and others. The bill was previously turned down last year because the bill was not considered to be strict enough. Now that the regulations would be different limiting the amount of licensed dispensaries, the conditions under which a patient can grow and what aliments are considered to be treatable by marijuana, the senate will consider making medical marijuana legal in the state of Illinois. When this happens, Illinois will be the 16th state to join the legal medical marijuana states.

Los Angeles Times

Medical Marijuana Bill Gaining Support in Illinois
Medical marijuana is legal in fifteen US states, and Illinois could be next, according to the Chicago Tribune. A bill that puts some strict rules on using marijuana for severe medical conditions is gaining support in Springfield

Help! Reinstate Walmart Employee of the Year Fired Over Marijuana

As the law changes to a more progressive medical marijuana law in Michigan improvement are still necessary to protect the participants. The unfortunate man below who worked at Walmart was fired from his job after testing positive for marijuana even though he is a legal state user under the Medical Marijuana law of Michigan. It is disturbing to see that companies like Walmart are as proactive about their policies for compassion. As a former Employee of the Year you would think that there would have been some reconsideration for Joesph and his position at work. If you were the Employee of the Year your must have loved your job and the people you worked with, this must be completely upsetting for Joesph and his family.

ACLU Looks To Reinstate Fired Walmart Employee Lawsuit
The 420 Times
The argument goes to the heart of Michigan's medical marijuana law and whether or not it protects patients in the workplace. A former Employee of The Year, Joseph suffers from a brain tumor and sinus cancer, but was fired by

Linggo, Abril 24, 2011

Protesting... Keep Up The Work!

Thanks to people like the lady in this photo! Raising awareness and education is the only way we are going to see a change occur in our nations policies. Thank you too all who and if you have gone out go a rally in your area it is never too late!

jenniferjolene posted a photo:


Antoine Dodson Viral Video Star charged with marijuana possession ... Geez

Hey. Check Out This Viral Video!! Clark Collis wrote:
Internet phenomenon Antoine Dodson has been charged with marijuana possession, EW has confirmed. Dodson was arrested in Huntsville, Ala., according to the Huntsville Police Department, at around 2 a.m this morning.

Sabado, Abril 23, 2011

"The Egg Stunt" by LORDS of MIDNIGHT - Happy Easter!!

Check Out This Easter Rap - The Egg Stunt I'm Just Chill'n and Tokin'

Grint From Harry Potter Thought to Be Smoking Pot - But It's Not, But Looks Like Him

I read this and thought you might like this if your watch harry potter. Just in time for 4/20, a photograph allegedly showing Rupert Grint, who plays Harry Potter’s best friend Ronald Weasley, smoking weed from a bong at a cast party has been going around the Interwebs. Of course celebrity gossip bloggers treated the story with appropriate amounts of skepticism and waited for a confirmation before posting the picture. JK…Rowling! Turns out that’s not Rupert Grint in the picture after all, just some random ginger kid getting high. The dude does look very similar to Grint, except far more muscular. As if there would be anything scandalous about a 22-year-old actor smoking marijuana anyway. So sorry to disappoint all you Harry Potter potheads, but it’s not him. Grint’s not the first young star to be mistaken for a drug-using doppelgänger. Justin Bieber fans flipped out when a photo of a look-a-like smoking a crack pipe made the rounds on the internet.
via Conventional & Social Media Tracker

Biyernes, Abril 22, 2011

Just Because I Smell Like Pot Doesn't Mean You Can Search Me!

In MA, the Supreme court has ruled that an officer of the law cannot search you or your vehicle over the smell of marijuana! It's ridiculous that this has been happening and that it has taken the courts this long to get this straighten out! So if you smell make sure you have your car in park!
Seemingly arriving as an early 4/20 gift, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) ruled on Tuesday that the odor of marijuana smoke alone does not give law enforcement the right to order a driver or passenger out of a parked vehicle, now that pot has been decriminalized in the Bay State  
- High Times

Just Because I Smell Like Pot Doesn't Mean You Can Search Me!

In MA, the Supreme court has ruled that an officer of the law cannot search you or your vehicle over the smell of marijuana! It's ridiculous that this has been happening and that it has taken the courts this long to get this straighten out! So if you smell make sure you have your car in park!
Seemingly arriving as an early 4/20 gift, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) ruled on Tuesday that the odor of marijuana smoke alone does not give law enforcement the right to order a driver or passenger out of a parked vehicle, now that pot has been decriminalized in the Bay State  
- High Times

Jack's Continues to Spread the Word

High Times Link: Jack Herer was a great man, he passed one year ago and we will never forget him. Take a moment to remember him now and plan to put a seed in the ground in his name. Here is to you Jack! Plant the Planet.
It was a year ago on April 15 that the father of the modern cannabis movement passed away. Jack Herer dedicated his life to legalizing the plant. Thousands were inspired by The Emperor Wears No Clothes, his book exposing the myths and celebrating the miracles of marijuana, and thousands more now rea

Jack's Continues to Spread the Word

High Times Link: Jack Herer was a great man, he passed one year ago and we will never forget him. Take a moment to remember him now and plan to put a seed in the ground in his name. Here is to you Jack! Plant the Planet.
It was a year ago on April 15 that the father of the modern cannabis movement passed away. Jack Herer dedicated his life to legalizing the plant. Thousands were inspired by The Emperor Wears No Clothes, his book exposing the myths and celebrating the miracles of marijuana, and thousands more now rea

Lunes, Abril 18, 2011

How Should You Clean Your Bubble Bags?

Now that you have your hash, it is time to clean your hash bags as you will need them next time you do another run.

1. Rinse the bags with cold water and hang dry.

2. Do not use hot water as it will clog the screens with trichomes.

3. If clogging happens, clean it with an isoprophyl alcohol and rinse it again with cold water.

4. Make sure that the bags are completely dried before storing for mold will grow.


That's it! Make sure you buy a good quality set of bubble bags as it will be worth your money if you plan to use them again and again.

How Should You Clean Your Bubble Bags?

Now that you have your hash, it is time to clean your hash bags as you will need them next time you do another run.

1. Rinse the bags with cold water and hang dry.

2. Do not use hot water as it will clog the screens with trichomes.

3. If clogging happens, clean it with an isoprophyl alcohol and rinse it again with cold water.

4. Make sure that the bags are completely dried before storing for mold will grow.


That's it! Make sure you buy a good quality set of bubble bags as it will be worth your money if you plan to use them again and again.

How do you make bubble hash?

Now, we proceed to making the bubble hash. First, we gather all the necessary equipments:

·         Bubble bags (I recommend Hydro Willys Trichome brand)

·         Suitable sized bucket

·         Dried plant material

·         Mixing tool

·         Plenty of ice and water


1.       Place the bubble bag on the bucket. Put the 25 micron bag first. Place the next largest size above the other.

2.       Pour cold water into the bucket until it is half full.

3.       Then place the plant in the bucket. A dried plant gives you a great quality. So, you’d better dry the plant first before making a hash for if a plant is dried, the crystals are now in their psychoactive state. Chop it in small chunk, and leave it in a freezer overnight before the day you will make a hash.

4.       Fill the bucket with ice up to its brim. The ice is important to keep the bucket’s temperature low.

5.       Then stir the mixture for 15 to 25 minutes. If you can see something foamy, then you have mixed it well and you can stop from stirring.

6.       Let it stand for another 20 to 30 minutes.

7.       Then take the bags out one by one. The largest bag should be first of course.

8.       To make the draining of the water easier, once you pull up the bag, twist its top then slowly grip it down.

9.       Once all the bags are drained, pull it inside out in a bowl to collect the plant’s residue.

10.   Remove the extra moisture by putting them on an absorbent paper.

How do you make bubble bags?

Making bubble hash is easy as long as you have the steps on how to do it. But before making bubble hash, you will need bubble bags.  
Making a bubble bag is as easy as making a typical bag but in a tapered shape and its bottom is made of fine screen. There is a wide variety of screens you can choose from in terms of sizes and colors. You can also save yourself the hassle and buy brands online such as Trichome from Hydro Willys. When making the bags, you want to make sure it is a monofilament screen because it is thick and does not allow the materials you need to be scraped, then you make a taper for the extraction bag. You cut the material into an unusual C shape as this is essentially the cone for the bubble bag. Get the top and bottom radius of the bag and decide how deep you want your bag to be. Do the calculations to get the total height of the cone.
Get three pieces of string:

·         A length of a total height of the cone

·         A length of the total circumference of the top of the bag ((Radius x 2) x 3.14)

·         Length of your desired height or depth of the cone

Then take the long piece of string (total H), pin it to the ground and use a chalk to draw a quarter of a circle. Next, take the other piece (desired height or depth), draw a smaller quarter or a circle in the larger circle. Then using the circumference string, run it along the total H string for this is the right diameter of the bag. Then mark H at the end of the circumference string. Next, get the H string that is connected to the top cone and draw a line down. This is the template of your tapered bag.  Then trace it on a cardboard or plastic and trace it again on your material for the bubble bag.

Linggo, Abril 17, 2011

Marijuana Law Needs to be Rewritten


A judge from Vancouver thinks it is time to re-evaluate and rewrite the laws regarding the legalization of marijuana.  He thinks that the existing laws are too restricting and now the Canadian government is reviewing the options.

Initially, it was illegal in Canada to possess, grow and distribute marijuana. But 10 years ago, the government permitted it to be used for medical purposes and with their doctor’s prescription.

Just this week, a man who needed marijuana for medical purposes argued that he was forced to grow it illegally because he did not find a doctor who will prescribe it to him and a judge from Ontario sided with him.

Last April 11, Ontario Superior Court Justice, Donald Taliano, said that the government only has few doctors to prescribe medical marijuana which controls and limits patients to accessing medical marijuana immediately.

In the 109-page ruling, Taliano indicated, "rather than promote health, the regulations have the opposite effect.  Rather than promoting effective drug control, the regulations drive the critically ill to the black market." 


Article review by: bubble bags

See full article here

Marijuana Law Needs to be Rewritten


A judge from Vancouver thinks it is time to re-evaluate and rewrite the laws regarding the legalization of marijuana.  He thinks that the existing laws are too restricting and now the Canadian government is reviewing the options.

Initially, it was illegal in Canada to possess, grow and distribute marijuana. But 10 years ago, the government permitted it to be used for medical purposes and with their doctor’s prescription.

Just this week, a man who needed marijuana for medical purposes argued that he was forced to grow it illegally because he did not find a doctor who will prescribe it to him and a judge from Ontario sided with him.

Last April 11, Ontario Superior Court Justice, Donald Taliano, said that the government only has few doctors to prescribe medical marijuana which controls and limits patients to accessing medical marijuana immediately.

In the 109-page ruling, Taliano indicated, "rather than promote health, the regulations have the opposite effect.  Rather than promoting effective drug control, the regulations drive the critically ill to the black market." 


Article review by: bubble bags

See full article here

Ontario Takes One Step to Blow Marijuana Legalization

One step more and Ontario will be closer to legalizing medical marijuana as Ontario Superior Court knocked down two of the key parts of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, which restricts the use and possession of marijuana.

On April 11, the Court announced that the Act’s rules regarding the access and prohibition of medical marijuana are constitutionally invalid and of no force and effect.  Marijuana will be going straight to legalization after 90 days, if the government does not take action. Then marijuana users can now get the party started as marijuana legalization will be fully blown.

Ontario Court of Appeals also added that if someone with serious illness is deprived the use medical marijuana as treatment, it violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom. In line with this, the federal government created the Marijuana Medical Access Regulation to let people grow, possess and use medical marijuana, given that they have a license issued by their doctor.

Article review by:  bubble hash

See full article here

Ontario Takes One Step to Blow Marijuana Legalization

One step more and Ontario will be closer to legalizing medical marijuana as Ontario Superior Court knocked down two of the key parts of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, which restricts the use and possession of marijuana.

On April 11, the Court announced that the Act’s rules regarding the access and prohibition of medical marijuana are constitutionally invalid and of no force and effect.  Marijuana will be going straight to legalization after 90 days, if the government does not take action. Then marijuana users can now get the party started as marijuana legalization will be fully blown.

Ontario Court of Appeals also added that if someone with serious illness is deprived the use medical marijuana as treatment, it violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom. In line with this, the federal government created the Marijuana Medical Access Regulation to let people grow, possess and use medical marijuana, given that they have a license issued by their doctor.

Article review by:  bubble hash

See full article here

Huwebes, Abril 14, 2011

Pot advocate blames red tape for hash-oil blast

ext + -

By DAVENE JEFFREY Staff Reporter
Tue, Apr 12 - 4:54 AM

Ottawa is to blame for an explosion that badly burned a Lower Sackville man Saturday, says the head of Maritimers Unite for Medical Marijuana.

"I firmly believe what happened is the fault of our government," said Debbie Stultz-Giffin of Bridgetown.

Chris Backer was in his basement making hash oil when the blast occurred, RCMP have said.

The 40-year-old has a permit to use medical marijuana, which he has said he uses to manage his Crohn’s disease.

But Stultz-Giffin said Backer and many other patients get the most relief from ingesting cannabis in oil form.

"Oils often exemplify the medical benefits of the plant, and people tend to get more prolonged relief, better pain coverage over a longer period of time, by ingesting extracts, whether it’s oils, tincture or something as simple as a brownie with cannabis in it," Stultz-Giffin said.

She said the only ways to get hash oil in Canada are to buy it on the black market or try to make it yourself.

Backer is a longtime member and board member of the society, which acts as a lobby and advocacy group.

"(Backer’s) oil use and oil making is 100 per cent medical," Stultz-Giffin said.

Health Canada knows that many people use or want to use oils but there is no legal way to get them, she said.

"(Backer’s case) is just the prime example, that they’ve put us in danger time and again."

Stultz-Giffin said all aspects of the plant should be considered equally for medicinal use. And methods and equipment for safe home manufacturing of hash oil could be developed if the government endorsed the idea, she said.

Backer was listed in critical condition over the weekend. Stultz-Giffin said Monday evening she was not free to discuss his condition.