Huwebes, Abril 28, 2011

Help! Reinstate Walmart Employee of the Year Fired Over Marijuana

As the law changes to a more progressive medical marijuana law in Michigan improvement are still necessary to protect the participants. The unfortunate man below who worked at Walmart was fired from his job after testing positive for marijuana even though he is a legal state user under the Medical Marijuana law of Michigan. It is disturbing to see that companies like Walmart are as proactive about their policies for compassion. As a former Employee of the Year you would think that there would have been some reconsideration for Joesph and his position at work. If you were the Employee of the Year your must have loved your job and the people you worked with, this must be completely upsetting for Joesph and his family.

ACLU Looks To Reinstate Fired Walmart Employee Lawsuit
The 420 Times
The argument goes to the heart of Michigan's medical marijuana law and whether or not it protects patients in the workplace. A former Employee of The Year, Joseph suffers from a brain tumor and sinus cancer, but was fired by

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